Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leilani's Pocket

Leilani and Emily are both very much inside making and creating kind of kids. They love to colour, cut and stick! One day Leilani came and showed me her pocket (with a map) that Emily made her! They then spent quite a bit of time searching for treasure with it!


Claire said...

That sounds exactly like my little girl, she's such a creator! Every week I clean a shopping bag or two worth of paper from her bedroom, only to have it replaced by more works of art and craft!! I must say though she has never made a pocket!

Debbie said...

Well that was cleaver. Thinking outside the box.

Rebecca said...

love the creativity! paper ahhh i must have a billion pictures from Kelsea - think girls are naturally drawn to the creative side! How lovely that her lil sis made her that awesome pocket!

Ange Harriss said...

And Lani looks like you :)

lauracritchfield said...

Again I am SO JEALOUS of your girls just being happy inside creating and making stuff.