Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Emily Sleeping...

It's always funny when you go in to check the girls before going to bed and finding stuff like this... 

ANZAC Parade

We went to the Anzac Parade and 11am service this year. It was really good and the kids seemed to enjoy it. It's nice to see so many people out remember those that gave their lives for us. 


Leilani brought home her first 'official' homework on 17th April! She was super excited about it and got in and did it straight away. 


Chiara at 5 1/2 months.
 It's easy to forget the little stages they go through. Chiara has been a bit slower than the other two girls with certain milestones. She is just so happy all of the time that I don't think she cares much for learning new things - she's just content doing what she can do and getting entertained by her big sisters all of the time. 
For a couple of months she was really dribbley. She dribbled so much that she had a bad rash under her neck most of the time. It was horrible and we did all we could to keep it dry but the constant dribble never let it dry out. It didn't seem to bother her - it just looked horrible. Don't know why she dribbled so much - it's not like she was getting teeth or anything! It was only 'really' bad for a couple of months but she stayed a dribbler for a long time - up until about 10 months I reckon. We would go through a lot of bibs everyday! What a cute 5 1/2 month little girl! 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fishing on Bruny Island

During the Easter School break we headed over to Bruny Island for a day. After visiting Nan & Bill and filling our tummy's up with yummy food, we headed out for a fish with Dad.  It was a really nice day but the wind came up quite strong while we were out in the boat. 

Mum stayed on the beach with Leilani, Emily and Chiara while Mick and I went out with Dad. We had a great time out on the water - although I was the only one who seemed to be catching any fish for a while! Strange how that happens sometimes - or is it skill!? 

Meanwhile, mum was having a bit of a rough time back on the shore. Chiara decided to have a bit of a cry and then Lani and Emily both needed to go to the toilet and then our cars battery went flat!!! So anyway, it was a pretty full on return - we had to push the car along the flat road to get it going (which wasn't easy and took a few times) while Lani and Emily tried desperately to not wet themselves! haha. It wasn't funny at the time, and I don't think Mum is eager to do that again anytime soon, but anyway, it was still a good day!

On Easter Monday we headed down to Ange's family's shack for lunch with all the Carmichael's. It was a cold day but it was nice to sit around inside and chat. The kids all had fun together and headed out for an easter egg hunt later in the day.  Chiara and Mollie are growing up so much and it's fun to see them together.