Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chiara at 4 weeks

At Chiara's 4 week check up she had grown 6cm and gained nearly 1kg! She is growing up so fast! It's exciting watching her grow and get stronger and seeing her become more alert but at the same time it's sad seeing her lose that tiny newborn look! 

When she was about 4 weeks old we went and bought her a baby swing. I don't think these things were around when we had Leilani - and if they were, we never had one! It's been great though and Chiara has loved it. 


Kate Jury said...

shes gorgeous Hannah. I love the swing. I might have to look into one for my little bub!

lauracritchfield said...

she looks so peaceful and if all babies just layed there and looked like that I think I might have another one..

Ange Harriss said...

She is so cute! LOVE the pictures of all the girls together :) You have the perfect little family.

Oh and LOVED the story of Em playing in her room when Chiara was crying HAHA So cute!