Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kinder Concert

Leilani's Kinder class put on a special little concert for their Mums and Dads on their second last day of school. It was so exciting - for us and for Leilani.

 They sang us a few songs and talked about the things they had learnt in Kinder this year as well as the money they raised for the children in Africa by reading books. As a class they choose what to spend the money on and it was wonderful to hear them talk about helping others.  They all looked so cute and it was fun to see all the parents there so excited to see their grown up kinder kid! 

At the end, Leilani got to take home her activity book and journal as well as a few other things they had made during the year that had not yet come home! We were also given her first school report - which was fun to read! 

It was an eventful afternoon and we had fun going home and looking through her books and seeing how much she had improved since the beginning of the year! 

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I wondered what I missed out on.