Friday, January 28, 2011

Don't you just love that time of day

....when they get out of the bath and into their pj's and they smell all fresh and clean!!

Every night is the same, we clean teeth and go to the toilet, we read a few books and say our prayers. We cuddle Minnie and Mickey and lay next to Lion and Sheepie our pillow pets! We give hugs and kisses and if we have been really good Mummy and Daddy lay down with us for a few minutes and scratch our backs! If we are really tired we fall straight to sleep - but if we are a little restless we laugh and giggle for a while until mummy yells 'go to sleep'! It's fun having a sister to share a room with!!!


maree said...

nice photos Hannah

lauracritchfield said...

bed time has to be the worst and the best time of the day. It's the worst because there is so much happening and sometimes little kids just don't want to go to sleep so there is a little Its the best because you know that in about an hour or less the day will be nearly over and you can also go to bed....