Friday, July 29, 2011

Magic Words

At the end of May, Leilani came home with a pile of certificates - she had learnt all her magic words - including the first 100 and the next 100!!!!!! Usually they work on a specific colour at a time - starting with the 12 Golden Words, but she skipped through all of that and was tested on all 200 because she was reading so well. 
It was very exciting and Leilani was very proud to show us and tell us all about it! I will add a photo of her with all her certificates soon (when I take one!) 

She has been reading for quite a while now, she started in Kindergarten and picked it up really quickly. She can read most words and has a good go at sounding out the ones she has never seen before. It's a great help when she reads to Emily! She loves it!


Elle said...

Well done lani!! Must be like her aunty... Sure not like her mum.. Can she spell beg?

Ange Harriss said...

Good job Lani!

Glad to hear you are feeling better now Han and you are putting that Thermo to work :)

Bride said...

well done Lani, she look like a little book worm. great that she loves it so much

Rebecca said...

what a clever little girl - and how awesome that Emily has someone to read to her - and teach her her words! good luck with everything - hope you are still feeling good!!