Friday, October 15, 2010

Toy Story 3

I took the girls to see Toy Story 3 in June with Ange, Jaclyn, Will, Meea, Lin, Dean and Brady. The kids were so excited and did a great job waiting to go in (we were pretty early, in order to get good seats - it had just come out and the cinema was packed). The kids were so cute sitting up in their seats sharing their popcorn and lollies. Leilani saw Mollie, her friend from school there too, which was exciting and a bit of a new thing for us (having and seeing school friends out and about!)

Took a couple of pictures before we went in - I didn't get Brady in the photo though - he was roaming around somewhere! He was pretty excited to see Woody and Buzz!

We had a great time together and loved the film, it's fun to have cousins to head to the movies with! 


Claire said...

It's funny seeing their little friends from school. Often when I'm in the supermarket or even just in the school somehwere I hear "there's Riley's mum!" (or Grace's mum). And lots of times it's "there's Grace's baby too!". The other day one of the mums from Grace's class introduced herself to me and said "Hello Grace's mum, I'm Harry's mum!" It was quite funny!

lauracritchfield said...

so so jealous - I'm so excited to see this movie and hopefully Kobe will get it for his birthday...and i can pre view it one

Gail Challis said...

It's great to have the blog again!!! I have missed the day to day happenings of my two angels. Can't wait to buy the movie when it comes out. Grandma