Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fishing on Bruny Island

During the Easter School break we headed over to Bruny Island for a day. After visiting Nan & Bill and filling our tummy's up with yummy food, we headed out for a fish with Dad.  It was a really nice day but the wind came up quite strong while we were out in the boat. 

Mum stayed on the beach with Leilani, Emily and Chiara while Mick and I went out with Dad. We had a great time out on the water - although I was the only one who seemed to be catching any fish for a while! Strange how that happens sometimes - or is it skill!? 

Meanwhile, mum was having a bit of a rough time back on the shore. Chiara decided to have a bit of a cry and then Lani and Emily both needed to go to the toilet and then our cars battery went flat!!! So anyway, it was a pretty full on return - we had to push the car along the flat road to get it going (which wasn't easy and took a few times) while Lani and Emily tried desperately to not wet themselves! haha. It wasn't funny at the time, and I don't think Mum is eager to do that again anytime soon, but anyway, it was still a good day!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Well we did have some fun for a while. Actually had forgotten about the drama.