Thursday, March 10, 2011

Christmas Morning Smiles

The kids woke about 6.30am and found stockings filled at the end of their beds! I love listening to them chatter with excitement about each little thing inside! 

It reminds me of when I was a kid and how Elle and I would wake to find Santas gifts at the end of our beds - we would be so excited to see what we got and then we would be even more excited to go and show everyone else what we got!  It's especially fun sharing a room on Christmas Morning!

We then all got up and looked under the Christmas Tree where Santa had left a few more presents, we read the note he left and then talked about the 1st Christmas and why we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Elle arrived soon after that and the present opening began! There were smiles all around - lots of giggles and ONE VERY UNEXPECTED GIFT! I'd love to tell that story - but I think it's best kept in the family! Let's just say it's one Christmas gift I'll never forget!! 

Here are just a few of the happy faces! 

I love how Christmas makes us happy - and even though it can be a sad time for some, if we remember the gift that Jesus Christ gave each of us - the gift of eternal life, then we can all rejoice in knowing that we can live with our families forever in eternal happiness. 


Bride said...

love the last picture of the girls hugging!
im curious about your surprise christmas gift... but i guess i'll just have to stay curious!

At least i dangled the carrot,(fb) then TOLD the news... Hannah, your a spoil sport
ha ha ha

Nettie's Blog said...

it was great to catch up with you on Monday at Hatties party Hannah...
LOVE that last pic cute (just think in a couple of years they could be baxshing each other up instead of hugging like that..he he)
How are your ham sandwiches going and that pork Roast????

Liseee said...

your litle girls are just like you and Elle were!! I want to know the secret Christmas present too!!

lauracritchfield said...

yeah I could care less about your stupid secret's just annoying when people write such silly things in their
BUT..I do love the pics of the girls..they are so cute!

Claire said...

Well at least you won't forget about the special present... just like Aunty Deb won't forget about the sticky tape that one time:)