Sunday, February 6, 2011

Playing In The Backyard!

Grandma and Poppa have a great backyard to play in. During one of our visits in late October the kids spent a good couple of hours outside playing. Emily showed Uncle Matt how to play cricket and the boys tied each other up with a bit of old rope! It wasn't long and they had Poppa tied up so well he couldn't even stand up! I love beautiful sunny days. While the kids played, Kristy and I sunbaked on the deck and had long chats about everything and anything!!!! It was exciting knowing that the next time we  would see Kristy, Matt and Gus they would have a new little baby with them! 


Debbie said...

Emily sure has the bowling action going.

Ange Carmichael said...

I think poppy needs a new bat and don't tell me it was sunny up there in Lauuunceston?!

lauracritchfield said...

Yeah I love sunny days too. I can't wait until the sun starts shining here again but that means it's not shining there probably. ANyway nice to see some pics of the kids. They are growing up - can't wait to see them again - IN SEPTEMBER