Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kindy Completed!

Leilani's last day of kinder was very exciting! They all wore free dress and had a bit of a party after lunch. Her teacher gave her a special little present - which I thought  was so kind, and she came home with a big certificate saying "Congratulations on a Fabulous Year in Kindergarten!"
She absolutely loved kinder and her class and teacher. It was a great year!

I think Kindergarten is the best! It's such an exciting year and I think it's wonderful to see your child grow and change as they start participating in school activities and learning new things. I  think with kinder you get the best of both worlds - a couple of days at school and a couple of days at home with Mum! I love it!

1 comment:

Ange Carmichael said...

Kindy is great, kind of a pity they don't do it for 2 years, instead of straight into 5 whole days!!! It sure does grow them up real quick.