Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chiara {kee-ar-uh} is of Italian origin, meaning clear and bright.

Our 3rd little girl, Chiara Jade, arrived on Friday 21st October 2011 at 2.14pm, weighing in at 7lb 6oz (3350g). She is beautiful and we love her so much already!

It was a tiring labour and I was feeling quite exhausted before it even began. My obstetrician decided to induce me at 38 weeks due to my gestational diabetes. I was on insulin injections 3 times a day and checking my blood glucose levels 4 times a day, so even though I didn't really want to be induced early it was kind of a relief to get rid of the diabetes a bit earlier. 

I was booked to go into hospital on Thursday evening at 5pm. Mick was working until 5 so Mum came and picked Leilani and Emily up and I met Mick there. It was strange walking into the hospital not yet in labour, knowing that soon it was all about to start. The doctor came and visited me about an hour later and gave me some prostaglandin which would hopefully get things started over night. Within an hour I had heaps of tightenings and mild pains which made it hard to sleep. I ended up getting about 3 hours sleep that night due to the pain, but also feeling extremely nervous. 

The doctor came back to see me at about 7.30am. He ruptured my membranes and from there contractions slowly started, but were very irregular. They were a little painful but more just tiring. By 11am nothing had really changed, other than me feeling tired, more nervous and ready to have a break! The doctor suggested I start on the Oxytocin to move my contractions along (something I was really hoping to avoid). The Midwife said I could start it now or wait until 12noon.  I decided straight away that if I had to go on the drip I may as well get it started as soon as possible.

By 11.30am they had the Oxytocin started and within 15 minutes my contractions became regular and painful! Being attached to a drip as well as having the fetal monitor on constantly was a bit of pain but at least things were moving along. The next 2 1/2 hours were like burning in hell (okay, maybe that's a little over the top - but it was more painful than I ever remember and something I don't really want to ever experience again!) The pain was so intense and so full on I hardly got a break. Apparently I was offered some gas but declined - I can't actually remember that though! About 1/2 hour before baby arrived I begged for some pain relief - I was given some pethidine and then 15 minutes later I was pushing and within a couple of contractions baby was out!

It was a few minutes before we checked if baby was a girl or a boy and we were both feeling quite excited. I was just totally relieved baby was out safely and  that the pain had stopped!!!! Mick lifted the towel and all I heard was an excited 'and it's number 3' meaning it was our 3rd girl! The next couple of hours are all a bit of a blur with phone calls and text messages and big smiles of relief!

Apart from the fact that I think it was my most painful labour, everything did run really smoothly. I had a great midwife who was there when we needed her but not overbearing and pushy. She was helpful, pro-active and kind. My obstetrician walked in about 2 minutes after she was born and Mick was wonderful the whole time - as always! He did a great job keeping me calm and he was pretty good with the fan too! 

Mum & Dad brought Leilani and Emily in to meet their new little sister a couple of hours later. They were very excited, but also seemed a little nervous and like they couldn't really believe that the baby was finally here. They had picked out some special little outfits for Chiara and couldn't wait to get them on her! 

First weigh in:

First photo with Mum & Dad just 1 hour old:

First photos with big sisters Leilani & Emily, just 2 hours old:

Chiara Jade - just 1 hour old - amazing really!


The Kings said...

She is so beautiful. Her sisters look soooo excited to have a little sister :) Congratulations to you all.

Debbie said...

Oh so that's how it was. So glad that pregnancy is finished, but it was worth it.

lauracritchfield said...

yeah I am so glad that I have never had to suffer through contractions like that. I mean I love epidurals and although there are probably risks that Mike would like to tell you about I don't really know how anyone does it without one. Yes I did feel the Dr yank out Jesse and it was like burning in hell but it lasted like 5 minutes and in that 5 minutes I thought I was going to die so if it had been any longer I probably would have died. I don't know how you do it. Anyway I'm so glad she's here and so glad that she's healthy and it's all over for you..

Rebecca said...

oooh Nicki has told me how bad induced labour is "burning in hell" sounds pretty accurate!! no sleep doesn't help with the mental health!
She is so lovely and looks very peaceful in that last shot - well done!