Friday, July 1, 2011

March & April

March and April were both tough months for us. I was stuck on the couch with terrible morning sickness for a lot of the time and Michael was beginning to feel the pressure of his upcoming exam.

At the beginning of March, Mick spent a week in Brisbane at an exam prep course and then took a few weeks off as annual leave so that he could concentrate on his study and prepare for his exam. Even though he was trying to study as much as possible it was a great help as he was able to get the kids ready in the mornings and get tea organised of an evening, which he wouldn't have been able to do if he was working as he usually leaves by 7am and doesn't get home until after 8pm if he stays back with his study group.  

The house was a mess most of the time and I got so sick of watching day time TV. Mum and Elle were great helps and the kids were really understanding as well. They never really complained and seemed to understand that I couldn't do much. I was so thankful when I went to my first appointment with the obstetrician and he gave me a prescription for some anti-nausea tablets. Even though they were really expensive they worked really well and I was able to start eating again. I would still feel quite unwell at times but compared to how I felt before I was on the tablets, it was great. 

The kids didn't get out much, but Mick took them to the park several times while he was on annual leave  which they loved!!!!!

They are such good girls and have been so caring and thoughtful towards me, especially while I have been sick. I got several cards a day saying 'Get well mum' 'I love you mum' and they always cheered me up!

On the 24th March Mick headed to Melbourne for the first part of his final exam. I had booked to go over with him but had to cancel because I was so unwell. 

It was a stressful and pretty full on couple of days for him. He had a 3 hour written exam in the morning  and another 3 hour written exam in the afternoon on the Friday and then had to go to a hospital the next day for a couple of hours of Medical Vivas - which is an oral examination. 
He was glad when it was over and then just had to wait (about 5 weeks) to find out if he was invited to sit the next part of the exam at the end of May.  

He received a letter in the mail at the end of April inviting him back to Melbourne to sit the second and final part of the exam, so we were all pretty happy about that! When we finally found out the dates of the exam we booked more flights back to melbourne and hoped I would make it this time! I was feeling a lot better and pretty confident that my tablets would help me get there!!!!!


Ange Carmichael said...

yeeeehah!! Things can only get better from here with good health, no study and a new bub on it's way xxx

Aimee said...

pregnancy sickness is the pits... imagine how good you will feel when the baby arrives!!
glad mick and your fam could be there to help. take care x

lauracritchfield said...

yeah that would be pretty stressful. Kind of nice Mick got to take some time off and he probably enjoyed having a little break to take the kids outside. not fun for anyone really... Glad life is looking up for you though..hopefully that baby will come a few weeks early and I'll be there to enjoy a cuddle...

Spider, Muff, Char & Mollie said...

Love the photos, very cute of the girls. I hope your morning sickness has passed and you feel alot better, not too much longer now, han! Well Done to mick also, all that study paid off.