Friday, May 20, 2011

Drip... Drip... Drip...

 At the beginning of April, Mick and I spent a few days sleeping in the lounge room on our futon mattress because we had a leak in our roof - right over our bed. 

The rain was coming down from all angles and we had a few other leaks as well so there were buckets everywhere! It was so heavy that it was also coming down the girls fireplace in their room. All a bit of a drama really but we survived!!! 

We ended up sleeping in the lounge room for a few extra nights because I couldn't move the futon mattress by myself (those things are really heavy and awkward) and Mick was getting home really late and by that time we couldn't be bothered - so 2 nights turned into about 5! 

When we finally did get the mattress moved back it only made it to the stairs before 2 little girls jumped on it and set up camp!!!! We left it here for a few hours and the girls had a lovely time!!!!


Debbie said...


Rebecca said...

had to look twice - thought I was looking at a 6 year old Hannah in that last shot!! flamin rain!!