Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hazel Comes To Play

One day in August while Leilani was at school, we had a little visitor come to play! She was very well behaved and kept Emily well entertained! They explored outside for a bit and then played dolls in the bedroom! Over the next few weeks Emily often asked 'Is Hazel coming to play today!?' It's fun having little friends come to visit!!! 

We have a pretty good view from our back yard, one could not complain really!!!!


Aimee said...

i didn't realise you had such a great view.

looks like you had a brilliant time over in Melbourne with your cousins- fun, fun!

lauracritchfield said...

I've been thinking about the boy's "friends" this week for some reason. Because we always have Kobe's friends over (because Jesse is so young of course) but the other day Jesse was playing with Lasson and Kobe and he was keeping up with them pretty good..and then I started to wonder if Jesse and Kobe will have the same friends or if they will just have different friends. Kobe doesn't like to share so sharing a friend might be hard..LOL. I just hope THEY are good friends with each other more than anything but right now Jesse just gets in kobe's way

Chelsea Parsons said...

Hey Han, I went for a walk/run last night and came by your place. No lights on but car was there.. I think it was around 9.30pm so I didn't knock... but if Mick is home would you ever want to come for a walk/run with me? I never know if people are night owls like me!!! Dave would much prefer i was wandering around with someone else!! x Chels