Friday, October 15, 2010

Pink Nails

We stopped in to see Grandma and Grandad one Saturday morning so Leilani could show off her beautiful long nails. She was very proud and so was I! 

I was a nail biter as a child and hated it. Leilani has bitten her nails for the last couple of years and they were looking horrible, it was making her hands dry and I felt a bit sad that she had picked up this horrible habit. 

Anyway.... one day we were driving along and she said to me "I'm never going to bite my nails again mummy" (I was often telling her not to bite them!). It was a bit of a random comment, I didn't think much of it at the time, but encouraged her and said that was a great idea. A few weeks later (maybe 3?) she had long nails on every finger and her hands were looking so much better! I couldn't believe it and wondered how she managed to kick the habit just like that!!!!! 

This all happened in June, her nails got quite long and we even had to cut them! It didn't last quite as long as I would have hoped, as she now bites them every now and again, but not as badly as she used to, so I am happy! 

Grandma gave Emily the Big W toy catalogue to take home - she thought it was wonderful! 

Not sure what was happening here - no doubt Grandad had found something out in the shed and turned it into a game for the girls to play!! He's always teaching them new tricks out there!


Nettie's Blog said...

love the pink polish there pretty girl.... well done not biting them anymore.... it takes a lot of courage and strenth to do that ... good job.

Nikki said...

I never knew you were a nail-biter Han! Good on you Lani for stopping like that. She will never regret changing that habit!!...there's nothing worse than nail bitten hands!! (speaking from experience here...haha)

lauracritchfield said...

wow....Grandma is soooooooooooo nice.. lucky Emily

Debbie said...

Yes grandad sure teaches them some tricks.

Chelsea Parsons said...

Wish I knew the trick!!!!! I can stop every few yrs for a few months but Im terrible!